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Get to Know Us

Founded in 2020 and registered as a community based organization, Edmund Rice Centre Nairobi (ERCN) is a ministry of the Christian Brothers, Africa Province. It is a new formation arising from a merger of three small ministries then known as Edmund Rice Advocacy Network (ERAN), Mary Rice Centre, and Edmund Rice Karibu Group (ERKG), all in Nairobi. The merger was necessary to avoid duplication, reduce on cost of operations and to foster effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the ministries. Mary Rice Centre started in 2007 and targeted children with disabilities in Kibera; Edmund Rice Karibu Group started in 2012 and focused on youth empowerment in Kibera, and Edmund Rice Advocacy Network started in 2012 and focused on promoting a just and sustainable community through advocacy for communities and Edmund Rice Ministries in East Africa (ERMEA). The three are now united as ERCN pooling expertise, experiences and resources.

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